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Migrant Workers Registration (State Wise) |Apply Online| Interstate Travel During Lockdown

Migrant Workers Registration for State Wise Updates, Interstate Travel During Lockdown MHA Guidelines- Tourists, Students, Pravasi Majdur Movement Rules News Updates Here- Hello Guys, I hope you are doing well. As we know the Ministry of Home Affairs Government of India has released the order for migrant workers, students, tourists, and persons to travel interstate during the lockdown period. They would be allowed to travel from one state to another with proper checkups by Nodal Officers by Bus. So, if you also want to travel then go ahead and fill up your form according to your state (If Available).

As we already know, it’s a very hard time for our country because in India some people are facing too many issues and problems because they stuck in other states and because of now work they even don’t have much money to survive. To solve this problem govt. helps them to reach their home town by Bus and special trains. You can apply the below form to get a pass for traveling from one state to another.

Must Check – Covid 19 Hotspots and All India Red Green orange zones declared

Latest Update:- गृह मंत्रालय ने देश के विभिन्न हिस्सों में फंसे प्रवासी श्रमिकों, पर्यटकों, छात्रों और तीर्थयात्रियों को घर वापस जाने के लिए कुछ दिशा निर्देश जारी किये। व्यक्ति की दोनों जगह पर चिकित्सकीय जांच करनी होगी और अपने राज्य पहुंचने पर उसे घर या क्वारंटाइन सेंटर में रखा जाएगा। निचे आप अपने राज्य के लिए रजिस्टर कर सकते हैं। (अगर रजिस्ट्रेशन जारी हो गया हो तो)

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Migrant Workers Registration Online – Interstate Travel During Lockdown

Ministry of Home Affairs has issued the notice one week before the lockdown ends, which allows users to travel from one state to another for migrant workers, pilgrims, tourists, students, etc. So, all the people who stuck at any stuck can fill the migrant form which allows traveling users from one state to another. You can fill the migrant travel form online via below given links.

Migrant Workers Registration Online – Interstate Travel During Lockdown
Migrant Workers Registration Online – Interstate Travel During Lockdown

Overview of Tourists, Students, Migrant Workers Movement 2020 Details

Authority The Ministry of Home Affairs
Known As MHA
Name of Government Center Government
Article Category Migrant Workers Registration
Objective Migrants in Other Statewho wish to return home
Application Mode Online
Category Interstate Travel During Lockdown
The official web site of MHA www.mha.gov.in

Must Check – Apply COVID-19 Curfew Pass Online Registration

State Wise – Migrant Worker Registration Updates

States Registration Link
Arunachal Pradesh  Check Here
Assam  Check Here
Andhra Pradesh  Helpline Number- 1902



Bihar  Click HereClick Here for News
Chandigarh  Chandigarh Migrant Registration
Chattisgarh Update Soon
Delhi Check Here
Goa  www.goa.gov.in
Gujarat www.digitalgujarat.gov.inInter-State Pass Link
Haryana   Register HereE- Pass
Himachal Pradesh  Check Here
Jharkhand  Jharkhand Migrant Check Here Direct Link
Jammu & Kashmir For Students- Register Here
For Workers- Register here
Karnataka  Register Heresevasindhu.karnataka.gov.in
Kerala Kerala Migrant Register Here
Madhya Pradesh MP Migrant Register HereDirect Link
Maharashtra  Maharashtra Migrant Click Here
Manipur  Register Here
Mizoram Update Soon
Nagaland Update Soon
Odisha  Odisha Migrant Register Here
Punjab  Register link-

Rajasthan  Rajasthan Migrant Register Here
Sikkim Update Soon
Telangana Register Here
Tamil Nadu  nonresidenttamil.org Tamil Nadu
Uttarakhand  Uttarakhand Register Herehttp://dsclservices.org.in/uttarakhand-migrant-registration.php
Uttar Pradesh   Uttar Pradesh Click Here
West Bengal  West Bengal Click Here


Special: If You are currently in Rajasthan and want to go Any State (अगर आप राजस्थान में हैं और दूसरे राज्य जाना चाहते हैं तो यहां रजिस्टर करें)- Register Here

NOTE: If Your State link Status is Available Soon then Wait for the Link and Check Again here. (यदि आपका राज्य का रजिस्ट्रेशन लिंक अभी जारी नहीं हुआ है तो लिंक के लिए प्रतीक्षा करें और इस वेबसाइट पर चेक करते रहें जैसे ही लिंक आएगा यहां अपडेट कर दिया जायेगा )

Covid-19 National Portal: Interstate Travel During Lockdown

As we already know, lots of workers stuck in different states and they want to return their home but they are helpless. They even don’t have shelters to stay, so few are lives on roads. So, to solve this problem our government decided to help workers to reach their hometown. So, they open some special trains only for migrant workers, students, etc. This pass helps users to travel one state to another without any issue. Fully health checkup will be done after and before reaching their destination city.

MHA Guidelines for Interstate Movement

Ministery of Home Affairs has announced that they will allow the Interstate Movement of Migrant workers. MHA has released few guidelines that everyone has to follow.

  • All the state and Union Territory should Designate the Nodal Authorities.
  • Busses will be used as a mode of transport.
  • All the busses will be sanitized properly and social Distancing should be kept in mind while travelling
  • The states must have a mutual agreement for the interstate movement.
  • All those who are travelling will be screened first and if there are any symptoms will be allowed to move but as soon as they reach the destination they will be home quarantined and all the necessary tests will be done.
  • On arrival, all the people will be home Quarantined for few days. (If isolation center not available)

FAQs On Inter-State Movement

Q1. I am a migrant worker stuck outside my state, what should I do?

Ans. If you are a migrant worker you can register yourself on the official portal, if available for your state.

Q2. What documents I will need to register for Migrant Worker Interstate Travel?

Ans. To register for Migrant Worker Interstate Travel you will need Aadhar Card, Unorganized sector working certificate, Photo ID or Passport, Present & Permanent Address Detail, Photograph Details. (Marchbe Vary)

Q3. If someone is detected with symptoms will they be allowed to move?

Ans. Yes, They will be allowed to move but after reaching the destination they will be home Quarantined and the proper tests will be done.

How to Register Online for Migrant Workers Interstate Travel

Step 1: Firstly visit the Your State Portal for Covid 19 Migrant Returnee. (Check From Table)

Step 2: On the Home Page, click on “Registration for Migrant Worker Interstate Travel”.

Step 3: Click on Apply now and enter your Contact Number.

Step 4: Enter OTP and fill the complete form.

Step 5: Upload your documents and click on the submit button.

Step 6: Your application will be successfully submitted take a printout of the form.

✍Imp. UPDATE – The government will be releasing the portal for Migrant Worker Interstate Travel so that Workers can reach their home in this lockdown. (You can apply for the registration through the link given below ).

Official Website of Labour Dept.www.labour.gov.in

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